Artist Profile
Mathieu Frossard
Born 1987, France.

Artist Profile
Mathieu Frossard
Born 1987, France
Mathieu Frossard’s work navigates freely between art, design, and craft without making any value judgment, like a collage of aesthetic references, shapes, and materials.
Mathieu Frossard (b. 1987) graduated from ESAD in Reims, France, and from the Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands. His work stands somewhere between art, design, and craft. Navigating freely between these practices without making any value judgment, his work is like a collage of aesthetic references, shapes, and materials. He tries to blur boundaries and offers multiple paths for the viewer to apprehend his work.
Simultaneously attractive and repulsive, precise and chaotic, he composes with different visual references from several backgrounds, questioning diverse aspects of contemporary creation like “good taste”, beauty, or function. Giving the viewers visual references they can grasp and interpret as their own, he does not consider himself as the sole truth-teller about his work. By leaving freedom for interpretation from the viewers, he pushes them to confront their own imaginative faculties, thus becoming more active as they experience art. He gives clues, so they can build upon them to interpret what they see, ultimately remaining free to write their own scenario.

Walk With Me, 2021
earthenware, glaze, gold luster
37 x 24 x 24cm

Not the One, 2021
earthenware, glaze, gold luster
29 x 21 x 21 cm
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